Creating a Safe and Welcoming Work Environment

In every province or territory in Canada, as well as for employees under federal power, there are human rights laws which make harassment in employment illegal. All employees have a right to work in an environment where their dignity is respected and they are free from harassment. 

Stopping harassment and discrimination is not just the responsibility of the employer, the union, or the victim. Anyone who witnesses or observes verbal, written, graphic, or other behavior that may be harassing/discriminatory can play a role in stopping it. Harassment & discrimination in the workplace is as much a men’s issue as it is a woman’s issue. We put together training presentations, guidebooks, and simple forms that can be adapted to any work environment. Feel free to download and make your organization a safe and welcoming workplace. You can download a media article about this initiative.

The resource extraction industry has made a commitment to addressing the effects of violence in the workplace, in order to foster an environment where individuals can perform at their best. This film takes a look at men in the resource extraction communities who are joining the campaign to end violence against women. Resource extraction is an industry that primarily employs men. We know that the majority of men do not use violence or abuse toward women, but – by speaking up to the minority of men who do use violence – the majority can help change attitudes and behaviours that enable disrespect, violence, and abuse.

Building Connections