Stand up for building trades workers.

LG and Stellantis are building the NextStar EV Battery Plant in Windsor, Ontario. They promised thousands of jobs for local workers at Canada’s first EV Battery Plant. They lobbied for and won a $15 Billion tax holiday from the Government.

And Now? They’re bringing in international workers to do the work Canadian skilled trades workers were promised. It’s an insult to Canadian taxpayers, a slap in the face for Essex-Kent skilled trades workers, and potentially a sign of things to come if more corporations are allowed to bring in international workers, instead of hiring Canadians while benefitting from our tax dollars.

Enough is enough. We need your help to stand up for skilled trades workers in Windsor and across the region. Send a message to the Government. Tell them they need to make LG & Stellantis hire Canadian.

Tell the Government: LG & Stellantis must Hire Canadian 🍁

Send a letter to the government, tell them we need action.

To whom it will concern ,

As a frustrated Building Trades member, I’m writing to you about the use of international workers at Stellantis and LG’s NextStar EV Battery Plant in Windsor, Ontario. Despite months of talks between our unions and signatory contractors, Stellantis and LG are persisting in using sub-contractors who are employing international workers, for tasks we’re equipped to perform.

Currently, more than 100 local skilled tradespeople are available for work, yet they’re being sidelined in favour of international workers. This is unacceptable, especially considering the substantial tax incentives these companies receive from the Canadian Government. This isn’t about ‘knowledge transfer’ – it’s about displacing Canadian workers. We need your intervention.

We need you to:

  1. Tell Stellantis and LG to cease and desist their use of sub-contractors who are employing international workers to displace Canadian workers on tasks which can be performed by local workers.
  2. Use your powers to halt the influx of international workers to the Nextstar EV Battery plant in Windsor.
  3. Make the tax subsidies that you’re giving these companies conditional on hiring Canadians.

We need you to act now, before it’s too late.

Investment Tax Credits & Prevailing Wage
Investment Tax Credits & Prevailing Wage

Canada’s Building Trades Unions commends the Federal Government for the investment tax credits announced in the 2022 Fall Economic Statement and the 2023 Budget to support the transition to net

Sustainable Jobs
Sustainable Jobs

The government needs to ensure sustainable jobs for all stakeholders, including skilled trades workers.

Labour Mobility Tax Deduction for Tradespeople
Labour Mobility Tax Deduction for Tradespeople

After over two decades of advocacy, tax fairness is now a reality for tradespeople across Canada.

Grants and Financial Support for Apprentices

Click here to view our document on provincial supports that are available for apprentices.

Building Connections