Latest News & Announcements

CBTU Statement on Investment Tax Credits Legislation

Canada’s Building Trades Unions (CBTU) applauds the tabling of legislation to implement the Fall Economic Statement, and the game-changing labour requirements for Investment Tax Credits (ITCs) for green technologies contained within it. CBTU has advocated for these measures for the last year. They are a critical step forward for Canada’s construction workers, employers, and the

CBTU Statement on Windsor EV Battery Plant

Canada’s Building Trades has been leading on jobs to build Canada’s manufacturing industry for over a century, and this is not congruent with how projects like this typically work. Bringing approximately 900 South Korean workers to handle the installation of this equipment is not only an insult to Canadian taxpayers who funded this project with

2023 Fall Economic Statement

Today, the Federal Government released the 2023 Fall Economic Statement, which included several strong commitments for Building Trades members and skilled trades workers across Canada. Canada’s Building Trades Unions (CBTU) are very pleased to see a road map for the Investment Tax Credits (ITCs) included in today’s Fall Economic Statement. The Investment Tax Credits were

CBTU Statement on Remembrance Day

Ottawa – Remembrance Day is a time for Canadians to remember and honour the veterans who fought for the freedoms Canada has today. It’s a day when veterans are at the forefront of the conversation. But it shouldn’t be the only day that they are. Today, the average age of a veteran in Canada is

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Building Connections