CBTU Wishes All Workers Happy Labour Day!

This Labour Day, on behalf of Canada’s Building Trades Unions, I want to thank the 600,000 skilled trades workers that belong to our 14 affiliated unions.

From the onset of the pandemic, skilled trades workers have continued to go to work, each and every day.

Canadians – and people around the world – have suffered, lost loved ones, been separated from family, friends and lost any sense of normalcy. Throughout it all, Building Trades members have continued to build the roads, bridges, hospitals, schools, and green construction projects that are critical to Canadians and our communitiesfrom coast to coast to coast.

Labour Day creates an opportunity to celebrate workers and all that you do. It also allows us to recommit ourselves to continue fighting for workers – from improved health and safety measures on every job site; creating better access to apprenticeships for all Canadians; securing a fair wage, benefit package and the promise of a secure retirement.   As Canada’s Building Trades Unions, we will continue to advocate on your behalf, each and every day.

This Labour Day, the importance of labour and dedication to one’s work has never been more prevalent. Our heartfelt thanks to all front-line workers – including our skilled trades workers – for all that you do.

Enjoy your Labour Day!


Sean W. Strickland

Executive Director

Canada’s Building Trades Unions

Building Connections