

Following today’s announcement from the Honourable Filomena Tassi that she will not seek re-election in southern Ontario, Canada’s Building Trades Unions would like to congratulate MP Tassi and thank her for the dedication she brought to her files during her time in Parliament.  

Under her stewardship as Minister of Labour, she fought to achieve a $15 minimum wage for federally regulated workers, was integral in securing the labour mobility tax deduction, and brought a new way of working more collaboratively to the department.  

While Minister of Labour, MP Tassi was unflappable in maintaining collective bargaining, ensuring that negotiations were prioritized during labour disputes, and paved the way to recruit more women into the skilled trades by prioritizing government programs focused on creating equity.  

“Filomena is leaving an indelible mark on Canadians as she steps away from federal government,” shared CBTU’s Executive Director, Sean Strickland. “Her guidance through the Covid-19 pandemic set a precedence for the respect our front-line workers deserve and was critical to increasing the federally mandated minimum wage. Thank you for all you have done for Canada’s tradespeople.” 

À propos de SMCC

Les Syndicats des métiers de la construction du Canada sont une alliance de 14 syndicats internationaux des secteurs de la construction, de l'entretien et de la fabrication qui représentent collectivement plus de 600 000 travailleurs spécialisés au Canada. Chaque année, nos syndicats et nos partenaires entrepreneurs signataires investissent plus de $300 millions d'argent du secteur privé pour financer et exploiter plus de 175 établissements de formation en apprentissage et d'éducation au Canada qui produisent les travailleurs spécialisés les plus sûrs, les mieux formés et les plus productifs au monde. Les syndicats des métiers de la construction du Canada représentent des membres qui travaillent dans plus de 60 métiers et professions différents, et génèrent six pour cent du PIB du Canada. Pour plus d'informations, consulte le site

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